Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Here I Am

So I've avoided doing this blogging thing for sometime now. Whenever I've considered delving into this world, various excuses have entered my mind. Maybe you've heard them too.

- Waste of time
- Too much arguing
- Waste of time
- Unprofitable for ministry
- Waste of time

I recently came across this article at Desiring God which helped to change my perspective, and so here I am. But I'm not here for the last 5 reasons mentioned in the article. I'm not here to teach. Frankly, most guys my age don't have much to teach about, and the ones that think they do -- don't. I'm not here to recommend, although I may do that from time to time through book reviews or helpful sermons. I'm not here to interact. I honestly don't care if anyone reads this thing or not, and I certainly am not looking for interaction of the argumentative type. I'm not here to develop an eye for what is meaningful. Don't get my wrong, I'm trying to develop that eye in my own personal life, but some of the stuff I write about will probably not be meaningful at all (at least not meaningful to you). Finally, I'm certainly not here to be known.

I'm here for the first reason. I'm here to write. In T. David Gordon's book, "Why Johnny Can't Preach", he writes convincingly that Johnny can't preach, because Johnny can't write. "...we do not compose our thoughts as frequently or carefully as we once did." (p.61). I'm in the middle of reading "The Life and Diary of David Brainerd," and the more I read this fascinating work, the more I realize just how right Gordon is in his assessment of my generation. We don't write like we used to. We don't put our struggles, victories, observations, and spiritual journeys on paper like David Brainerd did. And we would do well to learn from his example.

The title for this forum comes from one of my favorite verses in Scripture. Romans 5:2 - "Through Him we have also obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand."

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